NPR reported that Candidate Santorum denounced Global Warming Scientists, saying they were pushing politics rather than real science. He explained that these Scientists were politically motivated and pushing an agenda that was not beneficial, and that the scientific accounts of fellow Conservative Republicans should be heeded instead, else those Scientists could score a political victory that is contrary to the Republican Party's interests.
I'm thinking, "on what grounds does a politician have the right to accuse Scientists of politics". Has Santorum spent a lifetime studying climatology as many of these scientists have? Now Santorum is convincing fellow Conservatives that they know more from thirty seconds of political advertisement than scientist have learned during their entire careers and scientific education.
Politicians and corporations shed $Billions each year on convincing media. "Convincing" in media is the same as "Might" in politics, and Commercial Media is mightily effective on a subconscious level. But in the realm of science, might doesn't make right, facts do. And so the question becomes: what are Candidate Santorum's credentials regarding Science? I know of none. He just wants to usurp Science.
We should leave the science to Scientist and the politics to Politicians. Candidate Santorum is the later. He defines a political agenda and then tries to wrap science in support of it in order to convince the public that his political agenda is scientifically sound. When Science doesn't agree he accuses Scientists of Politics and Quackery. That's the pot calling the kettle black. I think others can see through this.
I'm sure there are many Conservatives that do see the light. Perhaps many are afraid to admit it to their constituents. Perhaps they are electing to wait for the next generation to fix environmental problems because they don't want to make any concessions that translate into political failure for the Republican Party, which they support. It's a shame, because their avocations could forestall the next generations ability to judge what Science actually recommends. As a result there might not be enough proponents of Science in the future to muster a political victory that can usher in scientific recommendations that avert a global calamity.
PS-- Candidate Santorum has a history of jumping his credentials and renouncing political opponents on Religious grounds. Recently he repudiated President Obama for not having true Christian values. It sounded like he was trying to excommunicate the President from the Christian community. What credentials does this candidate have in order to do so? Is Candidate Santorum the Pope? A Cardinal? A Bishop? Priest? A Simple Sunday School Teacher?
I'm concerned that he is trying to convince voters that if elected, he will judge other's of their Christian worthiness, and then impose his will on everyone. If so, we should elect a President with better Christian credentials than Candidate Santorum. He is clearly not qualified to run a Theocracy ..nor in my opinion a Democracy -- MW
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